Monday, 20 July 2015

Money Management Tips – Real Financial Advise For Everyone

Welcome to Money Management Tips, as in introduction, we strive to help everybody reach financial security, no matter your current position.  The world of finance these days is extremely complex, for you to solve your “money puzzle” will be an exciting journey.
They key in a nut shell is this.

Consistently spend less than you earn and invest the difference.

Sounds easy, but there are countless techniques, strategies and skills required to reach financial independence.
We will run through a few fundamentals on this page and drill down to specifics later.

Currency vs Money

First we need to understand the difference between currency and money.
Currency is the government printed “money” we know.  Trouble is governments can just print currency whenever they need it.  This government fiscal policy is flawed, it devalues your dollar(rand, pound, yen…..) funneling the money both to the government and the banks, leaving you  feeling constant pressure financially due to the ever increasing cost of living.

Money or precious metals (Gold – Silver….) Never looses any real value.  In fact in times of financial crisis the prices spikes up.

This short documentary explains everything brilliantly worth every minute spent watching it.


As you can see, we are all on an up hill battle to beat inflation.

Budgeting and Saving – How to Control Debt and Get In Front?

The first thing to do when trying to change your financial position is to determine where exactly you are?
Most Households are on a never ending circle of financial struggle with credit card payments, bills, mortgage and cost of living expenses.  If you fall in this category we will help you claw out of the hole.
If you know where you are and are looking for advice on investing or retirement stick around, you’ll find the answers.

Free Money Management Software
You will need to formulate a budget for your household to be able to compare your income vs your expenditure.  Hopefully you earn more than you spend, this means your half way there.  Then you can look at investing the difference.  If you spend more than you earn, then you have two choices, spend less or earn more.

To help you with this we have created this free money management software available for download and use.

Investment and Financial Planning – Where to now?

Once you have your household budget under control, you will have some money set aside for investment.  There are countless ways to invest money with varying amounts of risk and return.
Obviously where to invest is greatly determined by the amount you have to do so.

Property Investment on the most part(apart from the financial crisis crash) is a secure investment but it will take a sizable deposit to get into the market.  This limits many people.

Shares, this is a world all on it’s own.  There are company shares, CFD’s, Options, Futures, Forex, Binary’s……  And the list goes on.  But in essence you can buy and hold or speculate on shorter time frames.  Unless you have researched and studied it, which we will go into later, don’t go throwing money at it just yet.

Cash Deposits or Bonds, investing by putting your money in the bank in a savings account or term deposit is just plain and simple a waste of time. The minuscule interest rate paid by banks these days is appalling. In fact inflation will outrun any interest you make, effectively pushing you backwards.  Don’t do this!
Set up an offset interest account on your mortgage if you want to store savings while you get enough to effectively invest.

gold and silver
Precious Metals, generally Gold and Silver, there are a couple of ways to do this, collecting mint issued silver and gold coins or bullion.

There may be some numismatic value in the more rare coins, but I tend to steer away from them mainly because if the “shit hits the fan” in another financial crisis(looming) the governments around the world can recall them and pay you face value, ie $1 for a $40 silver dollar. Rules on this vary from country to country but the risk is there.

Gold Savings Club
I personally prefer to accumulate bullion, gold bullion to be precise, but not huge 1kg bars, how are you going to spend that if/when the world goes into financial crisis.  I invest in smaller denominations 1-5 grams at a time. This is with the reach of any household, begin your accumulation of gold as soon as you can.  Information on the best program I’ve found to do this, CLICK HERE or the banner =================>>>>>>>>>>

There is an added bonus, they will pay you to refer people. A very nice Residual Income is on offer Take a minute to review their 12 Week Plan.



Financial Planning – Goal Setting and Achievement

Financial Plan
I will just skim this for now but in essence, you need to set some goals to reach your desired level of financial independence.
I suggest setting smaller targets along the way with a reward for achievement.
This will motivate everybody involved to be more frugal to get there faster.

If you fail to plan - it's your plan for failure......  


Make a plan for success.


Retirement – Early Retirement – When Can I Do It?

There are many schools of thought on this subject.  It completely depends on your mindset.
Retirement, in effect, is a reflection of your financial position.
You can retire as soon as you have a big enough residual income to support your current lifestyle with change to continue to invest.
You have a large enough lump sum that will last you for as long as you think your are going to last.  Factoring in inflation of coarse.  Don’t leave yourself short, many people run out of money later in life, it’s a bad and sad situation.
The best and safest way to retire is to generate enough residual income.  Plain and simple.  We will get into a lot more detail on retirement in later pages.

The World Economy and Cost of Living

The cost of living is constantly rising, mainly due to poor governmental fiscal policy.
If you took the time to watch the video above you will understand that governments around the world are printing money like its going out of fashion.
This dilutes your buying power and funnels money back to themselves and the banks.
This practice will likely soon lead to another “Financial Crisis” but this time on a global scale.

I believe it’s not a matter of “if”, but “when” this occurs.

Personally I would rather be “Sitting on Gold” than hoping the value of property and/or shares will hold.

See My Original Post HERE

Related article
  Top money managers are turning to gold — should you?

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